Kelly Pocock, Chief Dog Warden
If you have a complaint about stray dogs please contact our office at 419-334-2372.
Please provide us with the following information:
If you have a complaint regarding a neighbor's dog please bring the complaint to the dog owner's attention. Often times neighbors are unaware that their dogs are causing a problem and are more than happy to correct the problem.
If the problem persists, please contact our office at 419-334-2372 with the following information:
A deputy can be sent to the dog owner's residence to advise them of the complaint.
If you are willing to sign a written statement supplied with pictures of the dog running loose citations can be issued.
If you have information regarding an injured dog please contact our office immediately at 419-334-2372 or contact the Sandusky County Sheriff's Office at 419-332-2613.
There are no state laws regarding barking dogs, as a result the Sandusky County Dog Shelter is unable to assist with barking dog complaints. Please contact your local police or sheriff's office.
Please contact the Sandusky County Sheriff’s Office Dispatch Center immediately at 419-332-2613.
For all after hour emergencies please contact the Sandusky County Sheriff's Office at 419-332-2613.